Friday, 30 August 2013

Bob the elephant enters a competition

Once upon a time lived a big and mad elephant called Bob.
One thing he loved of all was CHOCOLATE, he liked milky ways, he liked Mars bars, he liked every type of chocolate.

One day he was reading his news paper and in a para graph  it said ...

Do you want to win chocolate ? ton and tons of it?
well just enter the competition and you might win, just jump as high as  a wall!!! 
Starting at 5pm today in jungle ground .

Oooo said Bob 
Im gonna try and win.
So he stomped of to into the rich grounds of the jungle.

He met all kinds of elephants, there where 20 altogether.
He particularly liked a small and pretty elephant called Bella,

Suddenly there was a big and loud BANG ....

HELLO boomed the elephant who was at the front on stage,
now i have a challenge for you all JUMP AS HIGH AS THAT BIG WALL IT IS 5 METERS HIGH .

Oh no said Bob and started to cry, I thought it would be only a millimetre high!!
When it was bobs turn he jumped and he won he really did win 

HOORAY Said all the elephants and they started yelling BOB BOB BOB BOB for about a hour ,

So when bob went back to his cave he went down to rest ..........


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